Getting Git on MacOS

On certain older versions of MacOS one needs to get the right version of git.

Check the version

Check if you have the right version of ``git` <gettingGit>`_. Macs come with git pre-installed. You can open terminal and type

git --version

to see what version of git you have. It is most likely outdated if you’ve never used git before.

Get the right version

To get the latest version visit this site .

To tell your computer to use the correct version of git, we need to do the following :

  • Open terminal and do the following to bring yourself to your home “directory”.

  • Do the following to show all files in this “directory”.

    ls -la

    Amongst these we are interested in a file called .zprofile or .bash_profile if your mac is older.

  • Look at the top of your terminal window and you should see zsh or bash if you’re on an older mac. This is the “shell” that your mac is using for terminal. If it is zsh,

    open .zprofile

    This should open the file .zprofile with text editor. Now add the following to the end of the file

    If you terminal was using bash instead, do

    open .bash_profile

    This should open .bash_profile with text editor. Now add the the following to the end of the file

    Once you’ve done this, save the files and close them.

  • Restart terminal and do the following again

    You should see the version has now updated.