

To get things up and running you will need five things

  1. agda installed on your computer. This is what will check if your code makes sense. (Automatic if using the Nix installation)

  2. A text editor, for example doom emacs, atom, vs-code, or vim. This is an environment for you to edit files in.

  3. support for agda2-mode or agda-mode in your text editor. This should do syntax highlighting for your code (pretty colours) and make sure the text editor has the right shortcuts.

  4. A clone of the cubical library. (Automatic if using the Nix installation.)

  5. A clone of the HoTT Game, which is our code.

There are many ways to install agda. On this page we will try to describe some ways to install it. There are roughly three ways:

  • Using Nix. If you use windows this is probably the easiest and most rewarding method. It involves getting the NixOS, a linux operating system inside your computer, so you also get to try out linux.

  • Installing agda and the cubical library yourself

  • Using VS-code and getting the agdaLanguageServer

Text editors


No matter the text editor you choose, you will need emacs installed somewhere on your computer, as agda-mode relies on emacs in the background.

Whilst we will assume you use doom emacs in our guides (since it is the hardest to get used to), there are other options :

  • atom :

    Here is a set of instructions by Andrew Swan for getting agda working in atom.

  • vs-code : Here is a set of instructions for getting agda working in vs-code (scroll down to installation). You might be able to skip steps 1, 2 and 3 by enabling agdaMode.connection.agdaLanguageServer in the settings. (We haven’t tried this - feedback is welcome.)

  • vim : Here is a set of instructions for getting agda working in vim. (We haven’t tried this - feedback is welcome).

Installing agda

Here we give instructions for installing agda on each operating system. If you have specific advice / issues specific to your operating system then please let us know in issues. Another source for information is official installation guide, but our advice might be more relevant to you.

Debian and Ubuntu

Ubuntu already should have a version of emacs installed. If not, go to a terminal and type in

sudo apt-get install emacs

To get agda, go to a terminal and type in

sudo apt install agda-bin

Now you need to set up agda-mode (is this necessary if you can get agda-mode in emacs? - feedback welcome) :

sudo apt install agda-mode

followed by

agda-mode setup

You can check the version of agda by doing agda --version in the terminal.


This will give you both agda and agda-mode at once.

  • Open a terminal.

  • We will directly clone the agda repo for development version. First use cd (“change directory”) in the terminal to navigate to where you want to place the agda library. Then do the following

    git clone

    This gets a copy of the agda repo.

  • Go into folder of agda repo then do

    cabal update
    make install

    This will compile agda to make it usable.

  • Once process is finished, you can check agda is installed and its version by doing the following in terminal :

    agda --version

This is all you need to get agda and agda-mode, now you just need a text editor.


We used powershell as the terminal, but others probably work too.


Always use powershell as admin.

For the prerequisites

  • install chocolatey: follow instructions on their page

  • In (admin) powershell do (via chocolatey, cabal) - choco install ghc - choco install cabal - cabal update In order to make cabal see ghc, close and reopen the terminal before doing the next steps. You might want to also try refreshenv for this. - cabal install happy - cabal install alex

Now to install agda, first try using cabal by doing cabal install make in the terminal. If this works then go with “using cabal”, if not then try “using stack”

Using ``cabal``
  • You should have installed make with cabal install make by this point, if not do so now.

  • Directly clone the repo for development version. You can choose where to put this by navigating to some specific folder in the terminal and doing

    git clone
  • It should create a folder called agda (a copy of the github repo). You should do cd agda to go into that folder, then once you’re in there do

    make install

    which installs agda using make (it says “run the file called MAKEFILE from the folder”).

  • Once installation is finished, try typing agda --version in powershell to check the version.

Using ``stack``
  • Get stack using the installer here.

  • Run stack upgrade in the terminal

  • Doing cabal get Agda in the terminal will create a folder called Agda-2.6.2 where you are at in the terminal. You can choose where to put this by navigating to some specific folder in the terminal using cd FILENAME.

  • Once you have created this Adgda-2.6.2, go into it by doing cd Agda-2.6.2.

  • In the folder Agda-2.6.2, there should be a file called stack-9.0.1.yaml. Now you can try doing stack --stack-yaml stack-9.0.1.yaml install in the terminal (when you’re in the folder Agda-2.6.2) to run that file.

  • Once installation is finished, try typing agda --version to check the version.

In either case we should have agda and agda-mode. So we should just need to get a text editor.

Installing doom emacs

Here we give instructions for installing doom emacs on each operating system. If you have specific advice / issues specific to your operating system then please let us know in issues.


We have experience difficulties with getting doom on ubuntu specifically, so you might be better off using one of the other options, in particular atom appears to work well. Try installing doom emacs according to the instructions on their github repository. A quick guide follows:

  1. Go to a terminal and type in

git clone --depth 1 ~/.emacs.d

~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

You’ll probably want to answer “yes” to the options unless you know better. We recommend you add ~/.emacs.d/bin to your PATH so you can call doom directly and from anywhere; accomplish this by going to the file ~/.bashrc located in your home directory (or ~/.zshrc file if you use zsh as your shell) and adding the line export PATH=$PATH:~/.emacs.d/bin at the end.

This should give you doom emacs. You might need to restart your computer and or emacs to make sure everything works correctly.


Make sure you have the right version of git.

Do the following in a terminal to get doom emacs.

# required dependencies
brew install git ripgrep

# optional dependencies but install them anyway
brew install coreutils fd

# Installs clang. This may take a long time.
xcode-select --install

# For fonts
brew install fontconfig

# Installs emacs-mac wth sexy icon
brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
brew install emacs-mac --with-modules --with-emacs-sexy-icon

# Make an app link in Applications
ln -s /usr/local/opt/emacs-mac/ /Applications/

# doom emacs
git clone ~/.emacs.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install

# so that you can use 'doom' anywhere
export PATH=”$HOME/.emacs.d/bin:$PATH”

This should give you doom emacs. You might need to restart your computer and or emacs to make sure everything works correctly.


NixOS and WSL2

If you came from the NixOS and WSL2 instructions then go to the linux section.

There are detailed instructions for getting doom emacs on windows here.

The advice given there for installing fonts might not work. If it doesn’t work, try installing a font (for example Iosevka) by following these instructions. Then go to .doom.d/config.el and add the line (anywhere)

(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Iosevka SS04" :size 18 :weight 'medium))

Here the font name is Iosevka SS04. You can also change the font size and weight.

Operating system specific issues

If you have specific advice or issues specific to your operating system then please let us know in issues.

Getting agda2-mode or agda-mode support for your text editor

If you have decided to use doom emacs then you can get agda2-mode inside doom emacs (details below). For other text editors, you must first install agda-mode, and then find the relevant ad-on to the text editor to support agda-mode (details below).

Getting agda2-mode on doom emacs

Here we install agda2-mode in Doom Emacs. Note that this is not agda itself, but syntax highlighting and shortcuts for agda.

  • Do the shortcut M-x in doom emacs. (See Emacs Commands for how to do shortcuts in doom emacs.) A window should pop up where you can type things. Type in :


    Press enter and type in agda2-mode.

  • Now do the shortcut SPC f p. A selection of files should appear. Type in init.el and hit enter (RET).

  • Now you are in init.el. Look for the lang section and uncomment agda. Save the file and close doom emacs using SPC q q. (If you came from the Nix installation guide replace agda with (agda +local) instead.)

  • Open terminal. To make the configurations of doom emacs up to date, do

    doom sync

    If there are no errors, you should have agda2-mode in doom emacs.

Getting agda-mode on atom

  1. In atom select

  • Edit > Preferences (GNU/Linux)

  • Atom > Preferences (macOS)

  • File > Settings (Windows)

  1. Select Install from the side menu.

  2. Type agda into the search box.

  3. Install the packages agda-mode and language-agda

Check the agda and agda-mode installations

Once you have installed agda, a text editor, and support for agda-mode in your text editor, you should test it.

Make a test.agda file anywhere you’d like.

  • Open test.agda in doom emacs.

  • Type in

    open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
  • Use C-c C-l to load the file. An **Agda Information** window should pop up and if all goes well, there should be nothing in it.

  • Use C-c C-d then enter Nat. The output in the agda info window should be Set.

Congratulations, you now have agda and can use emacs bindings for agda. However, you have nothing more than the builtin types. So we need to get the library.

Getting the cubical library

The HoTT Game currently requires the cubical-0.3 library. We walk through an example of an installation of the cubical-0.3 library. See the Agda documentation for more about libraries.

  • Go here. Under ‘version 0.3’, download the ‘Source Code’ file in either formats zip or tar.gz.

  • Open the ‘Source Code’ file. It should turn into a folder which contains a folder called ‘cubical’. Choose a place for it to permanently stay, this can be anywhere you like.

  • Rename the folder ‘cubical’ to ‘cubical-0.3’. Inside it, there should be a cubical.agda-lib file with contents

    name: cubical-0.3
    include: .
    flags: --cubical --no-import-sorts

    This is the file that tells agda “this is a library” when agda looks into this folder. You can place the folder (now) called cubical-0.3 anywhere you like. For the sake of this guide, let’s say you put it in a place so that the path is LOCATION/cubical-0.3.

Now we need to tell agda this cubical-0.3 library exists, so that it will look for it when an agda file uses code from it.

  • Open a terminal and do

    agda -l fjdsk Dummy.agda
  • Assuming you don’t already have an agda library called fjdsk, you should see an error message of the form

    Library 'fjdsk' not found.
    Add the path to its .agda-lib file to
    to install.
    Installed libraries:

    The BLAHBLAHBLAH/libraries is where we tell agda of the location of libraries.

    Examples in common operating systems :

    • On linux this might look something like :


      where USERNAME is your username on your computer.

    • On MacOS this might look something like :


      where USERNAME is your username on your computer.

    • On windows this might look something like :


      where USERNAME is your username on your computer.

  • Navigate to home/USERNAME or Users/USERNAME or C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\agda using cd.

  • Do the following to see hidden files :

    ls -la
  • If there is no .agda (agda for windows) folder, simply create one by doing

    mkdir .agda
    (or mkdir agda for windows)

    If you do ls -la again, you should see .agda in the list.

  • Go into that folder by doing

    cd .agda
  • Check the contents of .agda by doing ls -la. Create a file libraries if there isn’t one already. Inside it, put


    Save the file and close it.

  • Restart the terminal. Now do agda -l fjdsk Dummy.agda in the terminal again. This time the error message should be

    Library 'fjdsk' not found.
    Add the path to its .agda-lib file to
    to install.
    Installed libraries:

    Congratulations, agda is now aware of the existence of the cubical-0.3 library.

Getting The HoTT Game

The HoTT Game is also an agda library so we need to repeat the above process for it.

  • In a terminal, navigate to where you would like to put the HoTT Game, as with the cubical library it can go anywhere. (You can use cd to navigate folders.)

  • Use git clone This should copy the HoTT Game repository as a folder called TheHoTTGame. For the purposes of this guide, let’s say you have put the HoTT Game in your computer at the path


    Inside it, you should see many files, one of which should be TheHoTTGame.agda-lib.

  • Go back to BLAHBLAHBLAH/libraries and add the following line

  • In terminal, use agda -l fjdsk Dummy.agda again. The error message should now look something like

    Library 'fjdsk' not found.
    Add the path to its .agda-lib file to
    to install.
    Installed libraries:
  • In Doom Emacs, open TheHoTTGame/1FundamentalGroup/Quest0.agda and do C-c C-l (Control-c Control-l). If all went correctly, the text should be highlighted and you should be ready to go. Congratulations, you can now play the HoTT Game.

Installing with Nix

Linux and MacOS

Nixpkgs maintains a set of agda libraries that can be added to a derivation managed by the nix package manager, see here for details. The file shell.nix in our repository contains a derivation that will add emacs, agda, the agda standard library, and cubical agda to your local nix store and subsequently to a local shell environment by adding these locations to your PATH.

However, because user configurations for emacs are mutable, it will not (easily) manage your (emacs configuration) dot-files, so we will use the underlying emacs provided by nixpkgs but install doom emacs normally in your local user’s environment.

  1. Install doom emacs (or whichever text editor you prefer) via the method described for your operating system here. (If you are on Windows with NixOS on WSL2 then you are a linux user for the rest of the installation and should do everything in a terminal inside NixOS.)

  2. Get agda2-mode support to doom (or whichever editor you prefer) via the method described above.

  3. Clone our repository into a folder by going to some directory using cd and doing

    git clone

    This can be done anywhere you like.

  4. Install Nix (not NixOS) using following the guidance on the official site. We install the single-user version for linux (compare this with what is written on the official website):

    sh <(curl -L --no-daemon

    If you are on MacOS this will be different, and if you are on Windows using NixOS then this should also be exactly what you need.

  5. Open a terminal, and use cd to navigate to the folder TheHoTTGame, which was cloned before. In TheHoTTGame, do


    It might be that you need to restart your computer for this to work, and you might need to wait a little bit for it to start working, it might stay blank for a while. Later booting of nix-shell should be faster than the first.

    This should open up a Nix shell (inside your usual terminal), from which you can do all the usual things in a terminal and more. The above mentioned packages should automatically be loaded on your PATH. The above is all defined by the package set in shell.nix in the folder TheHoTTGame.

  6. Each time you wish to use agda (in particular its libraries), you should do step 5 to load the requisite packages onto the PATH so that they can be found.

  7. If you got doom, go back to .doom.d/init.el and make sure that instead of uncommenting ;; agda in the ;; lang, replace it with (agda +local) to tell doom to use the agda-mode version specified by the local environment. Once the file is saved, sync doom from within the nix-shell that was loaded above:

    doom sync
  8. You can now load the agda source code in this by starting doom from the nix-shell:

    doom run .

    Open the file 0Trinitarianism/Quest0.agda and tell agda-mode to load and check it by doing SPC m l (space, m and l, in that order.) If everything is configured correctly, you should get nice colors and any {!!} will become interactive holes to fill.


First have a read of the previous section for Linux and MacOS for an overview, since once you get NixOS with WSL2, you will be using a Linux operating system anyway.

  1. Get WSL2 following instructions here. You might also like to follow a video guide. Reboot your system.

  2. By default WSL2 will get ubuntu, which is fine, but is not the operating system we will use. We want to get NixOS, which we can do by following instructions in the quick start section of this github page. Reboot your system.

  3. Reopen NixOS and follow the rest of the installation instructions as if you are a linux user.